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Youngcare 2024 Tax Time Appeal

Youngcare provides choice, independence, and dignity to young people with complex physical disabilities. They help create a future where every young person living in Australia can choose where they live, who they live with and how they live their lives.

Youngcare 2024 Tax Time Appeal


The Client

Youngcare provides choice, independence, and dignity to young people with complex physical disabilities. They help create a future where every young person living in Australia can choose where they live, who they live with and how they live their lives. Youngcare achieves this through building quality Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA), advocating for much-needed societal change, delivering vital grants programs, and providing education, advice, and pathways.

Project Scope

Each year Youngcare runs their Tax Time Appeal to help raise funds so Youngcare can continue to build disability housing and provide life changing grants. For this year’s appeal, MM had the privilege of meeting housemates Jack, David and Geoff who live together in one of Youngcare’s Specialist Disability Accommodation.
MM took a collaborative approach to this campaign, working closely with the Youngcare team to help create a series of videos featuring the personal stories from Jack, David and Geoff. This appeal helps shine a light for people with complex physical disabilities, like Jack, David and Geoff, a home that caters to their needs is life changing. The right home can facilitate access to an entire community of opportunities, encourage independence and provide a safe haven.


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