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Berry Tasty: MM Partners with Berries Australia for Australian First ‘Berry Basket’ Campaign

Australian berries

The new “Berry Basket” campaign is the first work by creative and production agency, Media Merchants, after the agency was successfully awarded Berries Australia creative in a competitive pitch late last year. The campaign is a united effort by berry growers across Australia to inspire more Australians to put berries in their shopping basket.

Delivered through Hort Innovation and led by Berries Australia, the collaboration will see blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and strawberries all promoted under a ‘berry basket’ banner.

Rachel Mackenzie, Berries Australia’s Executive Director explains that the “Berry Basket” campaign presents an opportunity to highlight snacking and breakfast occasions of all berries featured in the campaign.

Launched this week, in collaboration with Berries Australia’s media agency, Wavemaker, the “One for me, one for you!” playful creative promotes the tasty appeal of Australian berries, focusing on the strength in combining berries together and spotlighting the berries individually to further entice Australians to add more berries to their basket.

With Media Merchants winning the opportunity to showcase their chosen creative concept, full production and execution has officially wrapped up, with the campaign featuring BVOD, out of home media and digital executions.

“Our creative concept for Berry Basket uses humour to create a campaign that is memorable, impactful and at its core, places berries as the hero.” said Media Merchants’ Account Director Holly Prassler.

“There is no doubt that we all have a personal preference for a specific berry” Prassler continued. “With this campaign, we wanted to push the idea that consumers can walk into the fruit aisle and be creative with their berry basket – whether that’s combining their favourite berries or swapping it out with a berry they might not usually consider.”

Research has shown that the intake of berries outside of breakfast is lower in comparison to other fruits. Berries are consumed for breakfast 32% of the time against other total fruits (13%), however when it comes to snacking, fruits take a 49% share, as opposed to berries 38%*.


  • Client: Berries Australia
  • Creative & Production Agency: Media Merchants
  • Media Agency: Wavemaker

*Source: Kantar HIA Domestic Growth Study 2022.

Read more about the Berries Australia Campaign via Media Merchants on the following links:

Mumbrella Berries Australia Berry Basket Campaign
AdNews Berry Basket Via Media Merchants
Mi3 Australia ‘Berry Basket’ campaign with Media Merchants

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